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money monday

Accumulate Cash-Flowing Assets Not Savings, For Retirement

“It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”  This famous statement by Robert Kiyosaki was captured by Forbes Magazine.

Kiyosaki is a major proponent of having enough money to  retire comfortably your earning years — but he doesn’t believe in saving or the traditional “nest egg” philosophy. The reason? Saving enough for retirement requires investors to answer  three questions:

  • How long will I live?
  • At what rate will inflation rise?
  • How will the markets behave?

wisdom wednesday

Everybody Wants To Be Wealthy

Unfortunately, few people know how to go about getting Rich. I began the journey toward financial prosperity several years ago and found myself bombarded with an army of would-be experts, products and methodology.

Despite the confusion, two things have become apparent. The younger you start, the better; and you must never stop learning!

Industry sources suggest that, ultimately, the best time to take control of your financial destiny is in your late teens and early 20s. At this point, you’re ready to leave school and start a new career. This is a critical time in the entire wealth-building process, yet one most of us have missed out on.

side hustle

Brent Vaartstra

Brent worked as a jazz musician, playing gigs around New York City. Like many musicians do, especially in expensive cities, he also had several other projects to make ends meet.

But over the past two years, his day job has become what has been his main Side Hustle – a website and podcast called: Learn Jazz Standards. It helps musicians get tips, advice and resources for learning and playing jazz and it makes money from selling e-books, play-along tracks and an online course.

With increased attention, his income began to soar to a livable wage. He then redesigned the site and outlined an ambitious plan for growth. The best part is seeing how the years of hard work have finally paid off. After several months of work, Brent launched his first e-course and during that launch month – generated $10,000. He was amazed that so many people would sign up simply because they trusted the website. 

Brent claims the financial freedom has been incredible. It’s taken him from a struggling musician to feeling secure. 

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